Contact Us

Phone Numbers and Address:

  • Telephone: (08) 9581 2666
  • Competition Line: (08) 9581 1917
  • Fax: (08) 9581 2786
  • Postal Address: PO Box 688, Mandurah WA 6210
  • Street Address: 141-143 Mandurah Terrace, Mandurah

Opening hours: 8:30am to 5pm weekdays (except public holidays).

Email Addresses:

Fuel Watch
  • 173.9: Ampol Foodary North Yunderup
  • 174.9: Ampol Foodary Erskine
  • 175.9: Reddy Express Mandurah
  • 175.9: Reddy Express Halls Head
  • 175.9: Reddy Express Lakelands